Art of War: The Giants We Face

Art of War: The Giants We Face I Sam. 5-25 Watch Sermon on YouTube Introduction: Under-dog, Longshot, Unlikely, Doubtful, Improbable, Far Fetched, Pie in the Sky, Impossible All these are words that describe the greatest comeback in NFL history — The year was December 2022 and the Indianapolis Colts dominating against the Minnesota Vikings. The […]

Art of War: True Strength

Art of War: True Strength Judges 8 – 1 Sam. 4 Watch Sermon on YouTube [True strength comes when we place ourselves entirely under the control of the Holy Spirit] Introduction: You can’t hear the name Samson, and not think of brute strength! If you close your eyes and describe the picture of what you […]

Art of War: Unlikely Heroes

Art of War: Unlikely Heroes Joshua 12 – Judges 7 Watch Sermon on YouTube Introduction: [Background] Midianites came up like locusts with their flocks and consumed and terrorized the land. — [Jdg 6:3-5 NKJV] 3 So it was, whenever Israel had sown, Midianites would come up; also Amalekites and the people of the East would […]

Art of War: The Battle is the Lord’s

Eternal Stone: God’s Eternal Law of Life Deuteronomy 24 – Joshua 11 God knows what justice is. That’s good because it means we don’t have to live our lives in bitterness trying to seek our own justice. This gives us the freedom to forgive and move on without carrying the heavy weight of bitterness. The […]

Eternal Stone: God’s Eternal Law of Life

Eternal Stone: God’s Eternal Law of Life Deuteronomy 4 – 23 How do you know what is right and what is wrong? The world says “follow your heart” and yet the Bible warns us that “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked”. God knows we need an unerring standard. It is not […]

Fang of the Serpent: the Ultimate Solution to Sin

Fang of the Serpent: the Ultimate Solution to Sin Numbers 21 – Deuteronomy 3 Have you ever asked yourself, “why do so many bad things happen to me”? Why don’t you ask, “why do so many good things happen to me”? We are surrounded by blessings. The greatest of these is Jesus taking the curse […]

Faithful Few: How to be Leaders of Vision

Faithful Few: How to be Leaders of Vision Numbers 4-20 Learn how to be a leader of Vision. Join us in our ongoing “Dive Deeper” Bible in a year series. Jump to Scriptures and Quotes Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: Opening Story: Once upon a time there was a family, a nice little family, who […]

Little God of Gold

Little God of Gold Exodus 33- Leviticus 13 “All that the Lord hath said we will do”, said the children of Israel. But then within 40 days, they were worshipping a golden calf; an idol; a false god. Right after a spiritual high, they went into a spiritual crater. This story is repeated throughout scriptures […]

Re-Route The Unexpected Road

Re-Route the Unexpected Road Exodus 12- 32 Does it seem like your life hasn’t turned out as you planned? Do you wonder why God seems to take you the hardest possible route sometimes?  In our fourth message of Through the Bible in a Year, learn principles to trust in God’s sovereignty. Watch Sermon on YouTube […]

From Prison to Prince: A Redemption Story

From Prison to Prince: A Redemption Story Genesis: 41 – Exodus 11  Every person in the world receives a call to something great. A place in God’s plan that no one else can fill. We get to choose whether or not we follow God’s plan as he reveals it. Have you been struggling? Do your […]