A New Israel: The People of Faith

A New Israel: The People of Faith Romans 9:25-26 Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: In order to understand Romans 9 — you have to understand God’s true relationship with the nation of Israel. Do you know why Protestants in America are so supportive of Israel? Why have presidents from one election to another stood by […]

Secure in Grace: Embracing the Gospel’s Guarantee

Secure in Grace: Embracing the Gospel’s Guarantee Romans 8:1, 27-29 Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: Alexander the Great — You can call it good fortune, or you can call it the hand of God, but perhaps the most successful general to have ever led an army was Alexander the Great. He came to power at […]

From Darkness To Light: The Final Fall Of The Old Man Of Sin

From Darkness To Light: The Final Fall Of The Old Man Of Sin Romans 7:23-25 Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: Wouldn’t it be just like Satan to try to confuse you about God’s Word, and how much greater success if he could do it through the messages of supposed followers of God. Today we are […]

Dead to Sin

Dead to Sin Romans 6:1-2 Watch Sermon on YouTube Back To Sermon Notes Intro: We are now well into our series on the book of Romans together, and now would be a good time to pause and look back at what we’ve covered. To zoom out and see the forrest, because sometimes you can lose […]

When Jesus Changed His Name

When Jesus Changed His Name   Watch Sermon on YouTube INTRO: How many here enjoy history? The past is fascinating! Going through high school and college, one of my favorite classes was history because it was filled with stories, strange and exciting stories of people from the past! Great generals who fought mighty battles, mad […]

Enemy Of God

Enemy Of God Romans 5:10 Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: [Rom 5:10 KJV] 10 For if, when we were enemies.…” Enemies… “a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.” You hear alot about enemies now days in the news. “The deep state… Social Media has labeled politicians they deem the enemy […]

The Necessity Of Tribulation

The Necessity Of Tribulation Romans 5:3-4 Watch Sermon on YouTube Opening: (How many studied Justification by Faith this last week?) This morning we open again to the book of Romans. I’d like to invite you to read again our scripture reading this morning with me: But let’s begin with verse 1. [Rom 5:1 KJV] 1 […]

Peace With God

Peace With God Romans 5:1-8 Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: Today’s sermon is about “PEACE”, and let me confess right off — This is sermon is for ME! “Peace” is just what I need, because in case you didn’t know, we are the proud parents of now a third (6 wks old on Monday) little […]

Justified By His Grace

Justified By His Grace Romans 3:21-24 Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: Today, there is a lot of confusion within the Christian church about something so very basic to the Bible and the Christian faith: Salvation. The confusion centers around how God interacts with mankind and our sin problem? Salvation by my own effort Salvation by […]

The Eighth Day

The Eighth Day Romans 2:28-29 Watch Sermon on YouTube INTRO: Every five years the world church of Seventh-day Adventists meet together from around the world, Africa, Asia, Europe, Central & South America, the Islands and more will gather together as one large church family for a week to discuss church business, hear reports of how […]