My Son: A Father’s Ultimate Sacrifice

My Son: A Father’s Ultimate Sacrifice Genesis: 22:1-2   Jump to Scriptures and Quotes Watch Sermon on YouTube INTRODUCTION THE BLESSING OF WAITING Audience Question: Feel free to raise your hand to answer this one: What is the longest thing you’ve had to wait for and how long did you have to wait for it? […]

In the Beginning – Eternity Before Creation

In The Beginning – Eternity Before Creation Genesis 1 – 21 Everything in the Universe had a beginning. It came from something that was there before it. Nothing came from nothing. Except for the God. Even BEFORE the beginning He existed. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that […]

Secrets of the Bible: The Mystery of the Gospel Solved

The Eighth Day Romans 16:25-27 Jump to Scriptures and Quotes Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: Mysteries have intrigued people since the dawn of time, and men have spent their lives searching out mysteries from ancient days. Men have spent their lives studying out the mystery of how stone hinge in Great Britain was constructed? or […]

Sermon List

Sermon List – Click on Link to open Sermon Note Jump to Sermons Oldest to Newest Jump to Sermons Newest to Oldest Jump to Sermons Oldest to Newest Sermon Notes – By Newest Date Scripture Secrets of the Bible: The Mystery of the Gospel Solved 12/16/2023 Romans 16:25-27 Sacred Sparks: A Brilliant Blaze is Fast […]

Sacred Sparks: A Brilliant Blaze is Fast Approaching

Sacred Sparks: A Brilliant Blaze is Fast Approaching Romans 15:20,21 How do you live a purpose driven life? How do you ignite or re-ignite that sacred spark? Do you find your Christian experience to be fearful, faithless, joyless, lagging in vigor and zeal? Jesus said you’ve got a mission, a rally cry, a purpose in […]

Proven Ways to Become a Likable Person

Proven Ways To Become a Likable Person Romans 15:3, 5-6 Who is the person in the Bible that everyone loves? Who does everyone hate? What is the mindset of the most loved person?   Learn about the mindset that everyone, without exception must adopt, if they yearn for heaven. In our study as we’ll learn […]

Mountains or Mole Hills: Prioritizing Truth

Mountains or Mole Hills: Prioritizing Truth Romans 14:13 What is the most important thing you believe? Where in your hierarchy of truth does bigfoot, UFOs, whether the earth is round or flat, marriage, diet, the Bible, prophecy, and Jesus fit in? Explore how you prioritize truth and the two ditches that Satan wants lure you […]

Jerusalem vs. the Vatican: An Ancient Debate Over Holy Days

Jump to Scriptures and Quotes Watch Sermon on YouTube Jerusalem vs. the Vatican: An Ancient Debate Over Holy Days Romans 14:5-6     Intro: It was when the Jewish state was at peace, at worship, on the Sabbath that Hamas flew in to reign down chaos. They could have chosen any day to plan their […]

Preparing Your Wealth For Armageddon

Preparing Your Wealth For Armageddon Romans 14:13 Jump to Scripture and Quotes Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: Another week of news clips this week showing the devastation of the continued war in Gaza and Israel. It’s so sad, tragic! We are reminded every week of the nearness of Jesus return, and our need to get […]

Conflict in the Holy Land: Are we in the End Days?

Conflict in the Holy Land: Are We in the End Days? Romans 13:11-14 Jump To Scriptures and Quotes Watch Sermon on YouTube Intro: When you look out over the landscape of our world, in every sphere you see a planet that is crumbling into pieces and threatening total collapse. We were reminded of the fragility […]